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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EST

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and then you glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realized everything you thought. i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. take pm here in moscow tonight lawmakers in moscow get from luminary of proof of banning americans from adopting russian children it's in response to washington so-called magnitsky act sanctioning russian officials. had launched not israel says it's pressing ahead plans to build six thousand homes in the west bank in east jerusalem following the palestinians un upgrade. and six months cooped up in ecuador's london embassy just set to deliver his own christmas message soon outlining his plans for next year.
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from the new center at eight pm it's kevin owen here very warm welcome to you russia's state duma has given his preliminary approval to a ban on americans adopting russian children as part of a draft law or seen as a response to the so-called magnitsky act a list of russians under sanctions by washington but the bills drawn both support and criticism from lawmakers causing a rift in the russian political elite piskun off reports. it's really not clear at the moment if this draft in its current form will indeed become i'm acting more because this issue really has with russia's political elite we have heard from several ministers including the foreign minister spoke against introducing it prime minister me through the media hasn't openly supported what he did talk about the
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need to focus on the moving living conditions for children without parents now here in russia the president's spokesman has said that city to the evidence and the russian rhetoric coming from some members of the international community the emotions of the deputies and some of them are showing quite a hard line approach these emotions are understood in the kremlin but at the same time the spokesman said that the kremlin's approach to this will be more reserved just a reminder siggy mcneice give the russian order for for foreign investment funds claim to have revealed a huge money laundering scheme allegedly moving russian officials he himself was suspected of war still tax evasion with died in prison before the court could make that decision on his case if he's seen by many in the west or especially in the united states is a victim of various human rights violations and just recently american lawmakers
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passed the so-called magnitsky act which gives way for sanctioning russian officials who are suspected of being connected to violations of human rights but since it's not clear on what grounds this blacklist is going to be put together and we know that some of its forces are going to be classified here in moscow this act is seen as a derogatory and to russian war and russian lawmakers have been working on what they say will be a portion of why adoption really has been a huge stumbling block in the relations between moscow and washington to be so many cases of abuse and sometimes even death. russian children after they were adopted by americans and brought to the united states for instance the story of twenty one month old seymour jacobi died after his adoptive father will have to walk to court on a farm the other case why the american adoptive mother put her child on a plane back to russia it's on their way or in an old all of this has been causing
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outrage here in russia not only the case of themselves quite a few hours of a proper reaction from a very good opportunities to prevent them from reoccurring including having your sentences. he got his can offer appalling the news just in a fact the u.n. security council is calling on israel tonight not to build new settlements on palestinian territories that's after israel said it would continue with plans to develop six thousand more settler homes in the west bank and east jerusalem despite international condemnation about it and the settlement expansion seen as illegal under international law follows the palestinians upgrade at the un last month the general assembly granted them nor no member observer status that decision to go to the un is saying though as the palestinians unilateral action by israel in an obstacle to resuming negotiations but that the settlement activity taking off from who spoke to us said it's the construction of settlements that is preventing the possibility of peace. the bill is only interest is to go to get to peace with the
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palestinians and the palestinians maybe they shouldn't have gone to the un unilaterally but if we look at what was decided in the un it was decided that there would be two states and palestinian state will be side by side with israel and that all the. issues of the borders and the jerusalem in every issue on dispute will be this solved in a negotiation this is something that israel can support so if it's a punishment it's not a punishment to the palestinians it's a punishment to the israelis and we believe as an israeli organization that the government is acting against the israeli interest by building in the settlements despite having been holed up in the ecuadorian embassy in london for six months julian assange hasn't been idle he hasn't let up on his wiki leaks work
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and is even published a book to say the whistleblower will announce his plans for twenty thirty as he prepares to deliver a christmas address at a service report. it's been six months to the day since julian a son's thought refuge behind the doors of the ecuadorian embassy it was a bid to avoid extradition to sweden where he's wanted for sexual assault allegations that he continues to refuse to travel to sweden because if it will be extradited to the u.s. america investigating the wiki leaks website for publishing documents including dossier on the wars in iraq and afghanistan now despite having twenty four hour round the clock police protection it's been a busy six months the daily innocent we've had him publish a book we've seen concerns over his health we've seen julian assange addressing world leaders as well as giving a number of personal exclusive into the city and of course we've had the ongoing
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protests and victories in support of both julian assange and the wiki leaks website in the next couple of days judy the sun is expected to give a christmas address normally the territory of mourning but in this case julie and her sons will be summing up his own going predicament and outlining his plans for the year ahead now what is set to come remains relatively unknown within the dramas unfolding over the last six months or you can be pretty sure it will be unpredictable it's a lot of rumors a lot of talk at the moment that we could see in twenty thirty killing the sons running for the australian senate and forming his own wiki leaks political party although it will be the next that sort of course he is going to be there every step of the way taking you through this ongoing story. sarah firth u.s. vice president joe biden strove to see new policies aimed at tackling gun violence in the wake of the newtown mass shooting president obama voiced his support for
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reinstating an assault weapons ban and a tightening of regulations but there are fears of a potential move could see enthusiasm load up on firearms and ammunition instead art is more important i reports. when you consider the tragic events that unfolded at an elementary school last week in the us it is not surprising that finally u.s. president barack obama is taking a position that would reinstate a ban on assault weapons in america now the last federal assault weapons ban which expired in two thousand and four prohibited the manufacturing of eighteen specific models of semiautomatic weapons along with the manufacturing of high capacity ammunition magazines that could carry more than ten rounds according to white house spokesman jay carney obama would also support legislation that closes the so-called gun show loophole that has allowed some weapons to be sold without criminal background checks of the buyers since obama has been president for mass shootings have taken place but until now critics say that obama has skirted the issue of
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federal gun control last week's massacre at that elementary school in newtown connecticut claimed the lives of twenty innocent children ages between six and seven and also six staff members were killed in the gun control advocates say it's a shame so many lives have been lost before u.s. leaders finally got the ball rolling on legislation in real largest firearms maker in the u.s. also announced on tuesday that it's being put up for sale by its owner freedom group international is the maker of the bushmaster rifle the weapons thought to have been used in friday's connecticut massacre shares in publicly traded gun makers have been dropping for a third straight day there's also been reports of a large spike in gun sales in recent days because many believe that the federal government will in fact enforce stricter gun control report more there will indeed the u.s. splits over the potential of many going to new regulations are going to get all
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reversed to christopher chambers told us the u.s. media is turning a blind eye to the gun business because of the links to arms manufacturers and rights. they have a message they have a narrative that narrative has to percolate through their delivery system which unfortunately are their anchors and reporters to set up the delivery system for the pundits for the host driven shows where you have the right wing. mentality come in and it's rehashed and then shot back out you know in these various media outlets where they're pundits feed into this is their message machine at work the talking points coming from the n.r.a. the politicians that are in matched in the n.r.a. and in conservative causes i mean that's that's that's not speculation on my part that's politics and media want to one for the last fifteen years. this is artsy coming to an age the around the world thank you for your company coming up with a program with make every now and tonight transport grinds to
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a whole the news services shut their doors in greece we're talking about that a twenty four hour nationwide strike sees people vent their fury despite the new tranche of bailout cash also ahead as well brushes soyuz rocket blasts off in the war but from the baikonur cosmodrome got to start with a crew of three on board our cameras were there we tracked its progress what after this break. which is slow often enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine there just one office of course a breeder on the island of a horn at the heart of bike of his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green
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grass and his horse is worthless sometimes it gets lonely here but the horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes they bite as well it's part of my every day like. i home some in home to it the rats likely just laugh for centuries most still live off the land breeze cattle and fish. you might call is often called the pearl of siberia and when i said to be the pearl of by call it's all end of think forests. and vast staps. virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i haunt us quickly becoming a magnet for nature lovers and the real seekers you're quite some way from civilization here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about a t.v.
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or even running water for most people a talent is the on the eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. in journey to buy coal can be unique a trip of a lifetime and the local say once you've seen it will be coming back again and again. this is r.t. . now let's follow up some more news tonight greece has ground to a halt with public sector workers walking out of their jobs in the twenty four hour nationwide strike aimed at putting pressure on the government over tough cuts
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recent good news such as the latest tranche of bailout cuts and a decision by the ratings agency standard and poor's to raise the country's credit rating has done little though to dissipate public anger crisis strategists gonzalo lira says neither piece of news is a tangible benefit to the struggling population. the fact that the ratings agencies you know a higher rating to be green bombs and yet there's a strong indicator what's happened with that right now the international community i haven't asked that you see the m.d.c. have towards austerity which makes investors happy but of course makes the people angry and so you know see this strike going on and people a lot of people get very upset in greece while the best community is relatively happy because you know there is more greater safeguards that their money is going to be returned to them in the form of bonds so i think that you going to continue to see this is exactly where you'll go up and the people are happier but the investor community is less happy and then you're going to have
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a swerves to the right where you have more austerity making people more angry and more riots and more protests and more strikes and yet investors feeling more secure . in the bonds that they buy and greeks even money this crisis is far from over the europeans have yet to solve the basic problem that the european. countries are insolvent based simply do not have the money to pay back all the money that they have borrowed and because of that fact which is incontrovertibly we are going to come to a day of reckoning of some point the issue becomes when is that day going to happen and how far will the european and europe perhaps be able to keep the can down the road the question will public anger in the e.u. is rising within a quarter of europeans and risk of sliding into poverty and becoming socially excluded the books my statistics agency says the figures risen to twenty four percent from twenty eleven up from just over twenty three percent the year before his paper all of the reports on how this deteriorations affecting the region.
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around one hundred and twenty million e.u. citizens all right risk for falling below the poverty line now in response to the measures that are being taken to try and halt the european union and the euro zone in particular as economic downturn we've seen violent demonstrations in countries like greece where we're seeing clashes with police and also strikes across the country also in spain and as well elsewhere across the union now these on what we have seen though these aren't just students or activists that are being demonstrating against the cuts that it's being implemented upon them but people from all across society as not just the people of started to show that they sucked is fine with the way things are going the politicians have already started the finger pointing of just who's to blame silvio berlusconi in italy saying little he's going to run against to be the leader of the country and he's pointed
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a finger squarely towards germany where i am right now saying that it's up to berlin to recognize the european central bank as a real central bank in his words otherwise swell countries like italy are going to have to pull out of the euro zone in fact well there are those here in germany that would say that it's germany that has to pull out of the year is this going on as we look towards twenty thirteen and that difficult task of trying to solve the eurozone and the european union's crippling financial problems. it's a story we're following along as well as want to get more background about it also with. that independent panel is concluded its investigation into september's deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi it claimed systematic failures at the state department will be behind the security breaches. by state hillary clinton.
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also online as well. if they do move to russia saying the country's president putin is sensing the russian. republic decided to renounce his citizenship and search for a better future. and creative. and full and public speaking. to. a few european bodybuilders against millions of weak immigrants. these may not seem so serious now. but this could be a real threat to. european extremists.
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divine power in action activate the shock was. i and we just need these we are under the control of those governing us somewhere at the service of a space mafia i found that on that day the magnetic field of the sun will be for us to create to support the stuff. after the second coming it will be a beautiful place it will receive its glory it will be a renewed world and it will be a beautiful place. but the best. little stuff just ammunition.
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it's good business for us it's kind of like being a doctor you know if there's a disaster businesses. better unfortunately. exactly twenty minutes past eight mosco time world news in brief this wednesday in pakistan three more polio vaccination has been killed in separate gun attacks it brings the deaths so to eight since monday's launch of the un medical complex there a contradiction reports about who was behind the assaults but the taliban's previously threatened work is describing them as u.s. agents following the violence the united nations pull stuff involved with even as ation campaign off the streets pakistan remains one of three countries in the world where polio is still an demick. french judges have decided to press ahead with pinprick charges against a former i.m.f. chief dominique strauss the sixty three year old allegedly took part in sex parties
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though he denies knowing some of the women present prostitutes says the authorities there are trying to criminalize lust this is not the first such scandal the ex finance cheese but embroiled in the last week you reached a settlement from the unknown with the hotel maid who agreed to drop the previous accusations of sexual assault. venezuelan president hugo chavez has a respiratory infection court during recent cancer surgery chavez underwent an operation in cuba before the treatment he spoke for the first time of his successor appointing current prime minister maduro as his replacement should anything happen here it comes only a few months after he was reelected as head of state in a tight vote despite problems with his health an inauguration ceremony is planned for the tenth of january that's what. supporters of russian football champions in it since petersburg say they only want white and norm gay players in this squad the shocking letter of the club's management comes as russia gears up to host the
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biggest international football tournament on the planet the twenty eighty world cup the team's largest fund club stressed that their demands are about respecting longstanding traditions and not about discrimination which of em for free then takes an in-depth look at that provocative development they don't want sony african players black players or latin american players and to be honest i'm on my that's an absolute joke i mean fans i think forget about and should probably be best player was born in venezuela which. best rush limbaugh has come into play in the russian premier league over the last ten years or so and france is a bear manifesto was correct. it was to be submitted. for this player i mean they also say that they want to give preference to homegrown players russian based players often every team in the world would want to do that because it would be much cheaper but the fact is. russia don't use enough good players i mean even brazil even top mentions like argentina but you have to import players it's common
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knowledge and mention my real madrid they don't have players from just romantic story madrid. this is way before his growth has developed i think the problem is a group of around one hundred two hundred hard calls in each in pittsburgh fans who are racist and you get this around the world you'll get this in the u.k. you get this in italy you get this in germany you just can't change them for education for whatever they will say the same the problem is you have a few thousand teenagers who go on to the matches and they don't know what they're doing so they copy what these. races fans are doing and what the club needs to do is try to educate these teenagers. the clubs the russian premier league the russian football union they need to get special players involved because look up to these players and trying to. become brains going. the latest cruise blasted off from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan a russian flight engineer is among the three members on board with the i assess
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team gearing up for a busy five months in space then they're said to carry out more than one hundred scientific experiments and even go on a couple of space walks as well was there to witness the takeoff. here at a bitterly cold baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan we're counting down to the launch of the soyuz rocket which will take three men on their student to the international space station chris hadfield thomas marshburn andrew man and woman in co are the three crew who have been preparing for this moment an issue for four years now and throughout their careers they're going to be up there for months a lot of hard work to do letters stand back and watch the culmination of all the efforts go into this launch. the crew now face months of work up on the international space station thomas marshburn himself is
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a trained doctor and he'll be conducting many experiments among them examining the effects of weightlessness on the human body also experiments up there looking at medical technology arms on the i assess and a number of space walks to help conduct maintenance on that orbital space station it's been a difficult to years for the russian space agency there have been a number of accidents with various spacecraft in the past couple of years including a supply rocket that fell back to earth and a mission to examine one of the martian moons that never got further than earth's atmosphere they had at the top levels of management of ross cosmos and they'll be some organizational changes to try and improve their record it must be said none none of those areas happening with manned missions all of those from it including this one having gone well it without any and you hitches it with these three three crew on the way up to the international space station they'll be docking there in
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a couple of days will be docking there in a couple of days' time and there they will start their stint countries on the international space station. up next from our studios in washington d.c. abby martin takes on the mainstream media internet knights breaking the set.
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i. she good leverage surely to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and work this is why you should care only. if you live on one hundred thirty three bucks and try it because you know how fabulous i'd love. to eat i mean. i know that i've seen the same thing really messed up. and we're all very sort of personally apologize if that. worst you were going through the white house soup of the day the radio guy pulled
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out of a.o.l. minestrone click. i want to quote for about fifteen years you've never seen anything like this i'm told. how low i'm sorry mark and this is breaking the set today i want to talk to you about three citizen who was kidnapped off the street by the cia on new year's eve in two thousand and three while i was vacationing in macedonia a monster was secretly held without any communication for twenty three days after which i was transferred to afghanistan under the u.s. government rendition program and there he was tortured he was abused for four months after he was finally released almost or tried to sue the u.s. government two thousand and six but the case was dismissed on the grounds of quote .


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